The prune juice seems to work well for Rou. I have been giving her a tablespoon of prune juice after her first milk feed every day and now she passes motion at least once a day. The stool is not as hard as what she used to strain and push like a laboring mom and yes she is a happy baby again! Thanks for all mommies who has given me advice and suggestions. There is nothing more valuable than hearing from a mom who is always willing to share her own experience.
Here's a happy greeting from happy Rou :
glad to see her smiling so brightly again!
yeah!! so happy to know that she is better already, bcuz I understand the pain she and u are going through. :)
glad to hear this good news :)
it is really torturing to see our lil din poo for days. my twins too, wonder if i can give them prune juice now at only 1+month :(
Thanks for dropping by my blog. Sorry it took me this long to respond. But you know the mommy brain. :)
Will add you on my blog roll :)
Prune juice has cured Rou's constipation problem and her smiley face has cured my worrying heart. It is really disturbing to see the way she cried and screamed.
Mummy to QiQi,
Some babies do poo a few days once,for baby that age,it could be their digestive system still developing.I would suggest you to consult doctor before giving them anything.
yeah! no more poo-poo problems! yeah!
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